Identity Card
Every student will be issued a photo identity card which should be carried along with him/her on every visit to the campus or study center. The Identity card is valid only for the duration of program the student has sought the admission for. It is mandatory to carry ID card at the examination –center as an ID Proof.
Eligibility to appear for Examination :-To be eligible to appear at the term-end examination in any course, the students are required to fulfill the following condition:
Result :-
The candidate should have scored 33% in each subject of course. Those who score less than 33% will be considered failed in the examination.
Reappear :-
If student fail to clear an exam: - Student can reappear in an online/offline exam in the course in which he/she failed, on payment of the prescribed exam fee.
Re-Evaluation of Result :-
if a student is not convinced with his/her result; he/she can apply for re-evaluation of the same for filling up re-evaluation form with fee within 15 days of declaration of results.
Provisional Pass certificate & Detail Mark Card :-
Provisional pass certificate and detail mark card will be issued after the declaration of result to authorized study center without any fee.
Award of Certificate/Diploma :-
Award of Certificate/ Diploma will be issued on request with application form and on payment of prescribed fee, after receiving result, Detail mark card & provisional pass certificate by the candidate. The candidate has to submit an application form along with Draft of fee, Xerox copies of required documents and a self-declaration form to our campus with the help of our study center.