Award of Diploma/Certificate: Marks statement shall be issued to all those students who had appeared for term end examination. The diploma/certificate will be awarded to the students only if he/she acquired a pass grade in all the semester end examination within the maximum duration of the course. In case the student does not clear all the examination in the maximum duration, he/she will not be awarded a diploma/certificate and no fee shall be refunded in that case what so ever the reason may be.
Issue of Duplicate Document:
1. For issue of duplicate Detail Mark card, duplicate provisional certificate & duplicate award of Certificate/Diploma a student has to pay Rs.500/- for each document.
2. For issue a duplicate identity card, a student has to pay a sum of Rs.100/-.
False declaration of qualification by the candidate will disqualify his/her admission to the organization including appropriate penal action.
All legal disputes, if any shall come under the jurisdiction of Mukerian courts only.
Changes if any or up gradation in syllabus is decision of organization on its own.
If a student is found to have concealed any information or violates any rules of organization shall be liable for cancellation of his/her admission with us.
Fee would be collected the first five working days of the month.
Students depositing fee after due date would have to pay a fine of Rs.10 per day.
In case student fails to submit his/her fee by 10th of every month his/her name would be struck from the register.
Students are required to ask for their receipt while paying fee to prevent any kind of dispute in future. If candidate is unable to show his receipt the fees would not be considered to be paid.
A minimum attendance of 75% (In Regular Mode) of total working days is required during the whole course.
Fine of Rs.10/- per day would be charged for every absent marked in a month.
The name of any student who is absent for 30 days without leave shall be struck off
Leave is granted only if prior application is submitted duly signed by parents/guardian.
Entry to institute would not be allowed without identity card.
Any kind of misbehavior/Indiscipline would not be tolerated and lead to expulsion from the center.
Use of mobile/cell phones inside institute is not allowed.
Students are expected to be in class at least five minutes before class starts, in case of late arrival he/she would be marked absent.